iHerb Brands are produced by Madre Labs, a division of iHerb, offering a 90 day money back guarantee with each purchase.
We’re dedicated to creating premium-quality health and wellness products that you can trust.
Our mission
To provide you with the best quality products at great values. iHerb Brands only considers well-researched raw materials, unique ingredients, and trusted blends ensuring that products are manufactured with the highest level of industry standards.
Premium Quality
You deserve products you can trust, which is why quality is our top priority. We’re committed to keeping quality standards high at all times. All of our brands will meet strict standards and Current Good Manufacturing Practices set by the Food and Drug Administration.
For objectivity and transparency, we’ve implemented our exclusive iTested program, which provides neutral and unbiased information using scientific test methods. In addition, all iHerb Brands are verified to confirm quality and label claims using 3rd party labs.
90 Day Money Back Guarantee
We’re so confident in our iHerb Brand products that we offer a 90 Day Money Back Guarantee. That means, if for any reason you are not satisfied with your purchase on iHerb Brands, return the product within 90 days and we will refund your money. (May exclude taxes and custom fees)
We’re dedicated to bringing you innovative and premium-quality brands that exceed industry standards, so be sure to look for the iHerb Brand flags on our brand pages.
Explore our comprehensive selection of premium-quality iHerb Brands
Începând din august 2018, iHerb folosește laboratoarele de testare independente ABC Testing, Eurofins și Alkemist pentru analiza produselor. Prin utilizarea laboratoarelor independente, garantăm că rezultatele sunt obiective și imparțiale.
iTested confirmă faptul că datele din tabelul cu informații nutriționale ale fiecărui produs sunt corecte. Produsele sunt testate și pentru a confirma respectarea standardelor referitoare la eticheta curată, cum ar fi analiza microbiană și analiza pentru depistarea metalelor grele.
Metodele de testare sunt menționate în fiecare document iTested.
Produsele sunt testate la fiecare 6 luni.